±1-random walk from 5 until 20 or broke [closed]

You play a game where a fair coin is flipped. You win 1 if it shows heads and lose 1 if it shows tails. You start with 5 and decide to play until you either have 20 or go broke. What is the probability that you will go broke?

Solution 1:

You can use symmetry here - Starting at $5$, it is equally likely to get to $0$ first or to $10$ first. Now, if you get to $10$ first, then it is equally likely to get to $0$ first or to $20$ first.

What does that mean for the probability of getting to $0$ before getting to $20$?

Solution 2:

It is a fair game, so your expected value at the end has to be $5$ like you started. You must have $\frac 34$ chance to go broke and $\frac 14$ chance to end with $20$.