New posts in order-statistics

Probability of getting into my favorite PhD

Expected maximum absolute value of $n$ iid standard Gaussians?

How to solve this confusing permutation problem related to arrangement of books?

Law of large numbers for partial sums of order statistics

Limits of integration for range of uniform distribution

Expectation of sample range for an exponential distribution

Computing the density of the smallest and second smallest values

Order statistics for exponential [duplicate]

Distribution of the maximum of a multivariate normal random variable

The joint pdf of three or more order statistics is given by $f_{x_{(1)},x_{(2)},...x_{(n)}}(x_1,x_2,..x_n)=n! f(x_1)f(x_2)..f(x_n) $

Variance of the median estimator of normal distribution [closed]

Expected value of order statistics from uniform distribution

Expected maximum pairwise distance for $n$ points on a circle?

Basu's theorem to show independence

Showing that the distribution of record times $(\tau_k)_{k\geq 1}$ doesn't depend on the distribution, $F$, of the records $X_i$

Finding the correlation coefficient of ordered statistics

Why are the order statistics of uniform Beta?

Two normal distributions with the same variance and two disjoint intervals

Maximum likelihood estimator and asymptotic distribution

Why does a beta distribution between two uniform order statistics have the distribution it does?