New posts in geometric-probability

What is the chance that an $n$-gon whose vertices lie randomly on a circle's circumference covers a majority of the circle's area?

Probability of Intersecting Two Random Segments in a Circle

Area bounded by $\cos x+\cos y=1$

probabilty of random points on perimeter containing center

Probability of the Center of a Square Being Contained in A Triangle With Vertices on its Boundary

Expected time to completely cover a square with randomly placed smaller squares

Voronoi cell volume inside the ball

Expected tetrahedron volume from normal distribution

What's the probability that three points determine an acute triangle?

Probability - Length of an arc which contains a fixed point

Probability that distance of two random points within a sphere is less than a constant

Probability Based on a Grid of Lights

Average shortest distance between some random points in a box

Non-invertible mapping of a random vector

Point inside a square

How is the number of points in the convex hull of five random points distributed?

Expected values of some properties of the convex hull of a random set of points

A surprising dilogarithm integral identity arising from a generalised point enclosure problem

Expected maximum pairwise distance for $n$ points on a circle?

Probability of circle given by randomly chosen diameter falling inside a square