New posts in geometric-probability

What is average distance from center of square to some point?

How was "Number of ways of arranging n chords on a circle with k simple intersections" solved?

Expectancy value for the percentage of points lying in the Convex Hull (3D)

Expected area of the intersection of two circles

How thick should a cylindrical coin be for it to act as a fair three-sided die?

A random sphere containing the center of the unit cube

Simulating uniformly on $S^1=\{x \in \mathbb{R}^n \mid \|x\|_1=1\}$

Expected size of subset forming convex polygon.

PDF of volume of tetrahedron with random coordinates

Probability function of $Y=max\{X,m\}$ for $m$ positive integer when $X$ is geometric distribution [duplicate]

Probability of random sphere lying inside the unit ball

What is the probability of having a pentagon in 6 points

Two individuals are walking around a cylindrical tower. What is the probability that they can see each other?

Matching red to blue dots

probablity of random pick up three points inside a regular triangle which form a triangle and contain the center

Probability that the convex hull of random points contains sphere's center

Rain droplets falling on a table

Probability that 3 points in a plane form a triangle

What is the probability that the center of the circle is contained within a triangle formed by choosing three random points on the circumference? [closed]

Expected number of people to not get shot?