New posts in estimation

Estimates for the normal approximation of the binomial distribution

Fisher Information for Geometric Distribution

Is there a lower-bound version of the triangle inequality for more than two terms?

Estimating $p$ from $A1$ and $A1$, system of equations, an estimation problem

Giving estimates for large scale projects in an Agile Environment [closed]

Proving an integral is finite

Minimum mean square estimation with 3 random variable

Example of a maximum likelihood estimator that is not a sufficient statistic

Variance of the median estimator of normal distribution [closed]

Expected value of order statistics from uniform distribution

Consistency of the estimator $T_n(X)=X_{(n)}$

How do i determine if standard deviation is known or unknown?

Do you inflate your estimated project completion dates? [closed]

Probability vs Confidence

Approximate the second largest eigenvalue (and corresponding eigenvector) given the largest

Compute Taylor error of $10^{-5}$ for $\cos(\pi/20)$

Parabolic Interpolation with three data points and measurement noise

How to estimate download time remaining (accurately)?

How do I assess the hash collision probability?

Berry-Esseen bound for binomial distribution