New posts in probability

Probability of 3 Heads in 10 Coin Flips

Does a randomly chosen series diverge?

What is the average of rolling two dice and only taking the value of the higher dice roll?

Intuitive explanation of the tower property of conditional expectation

Rain droplets falling on a table

Probability for roots of quadratic equation to be real, with coefficients being dice rolls.

Maximum possible probability given null interesection of events

Minesweeper - Chance of one-click win

Inequality for expected value

Who discovered this number-guessing paradox?

Cubic expectation of peanuts on squares

On average, how many times must I roll a dice until I get a $6$?

Intuition for probability density function as a Radon-Nikodym derivative

Interpretation of limsup-liminf of sets

Probability problem

Free throw interview question

Odds of winning at minesweeper with perfect play

Characteristic function of product of normal random variables

Proof of the identity $2^n = \sum\limits_{k=0}^n 2^{-k} \binom{n+k}{k}$

Finding CDF from given piecewise PDF