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Is my proof for the sum of two square roots being irrational correct? [duplicate]

General Topology-book recommendations [duplicate]

How many equivalence relations on a set with 4 elements.

When are the limit operations commutative?

Proving that among any $2n - 1$ integers, there's always a subset of $n$ which sum to a multiple of $n$

How to solve homogeneous linear recurrence relations with constant coefficients?

Determinant of nxn almost diagonal matrix [duplicate]

What is the standard interpretation of order of operations for the basic arithmetic operations?

Volume of Intersection of cylinders (different radii)

Differentiation of $x^{\sqrt{x}}$, how?

Eigenvalues of the principal submatrix of a Hermitian matrix

Volume of the intersection of two cylinders

What is the best way to solve an equation involving multiple absolute values?

Summation Theorem how to get formula for exponent greater than 3

How to tell whether two graphs are isomorphic?

Rigorous proof that $\int_{\Omega}X\;dP=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}xf(x)\;dx$

Calculating volume enclosed using triple integral

How Do I Compute the Eigenvalues of a Small Matrix?

How can a function with a hole (removable discontinuity) equal a function with no hole?

Showing that $a^n - 1 \mid a^m - 1 \iff n \mid m$