New posts in faq

Is there a name for this strange solution to a quadratic equation involving a square root?

Does an increasing sequence of reals converge if the difference of consecutive terms approaches zero?

Explaining to a kid why a negative × negative = positive? [duplicate]

Proving $\sum\limits_{m=0}^M \binom{m+k}{k} = \binom{k+M+1}{k+1}$ [closed]

How to compute rational or integer points on elliptic curves

Proving $n! > n^3$ for all $n > a$

Probability for roots of quadratic equation to be real, with coefficients being dice rolls.

calculating $a^b \!\mod c$ [duplicate]

Can a finite sum of square roots be an integer? [duplicate]

Single Variable Calculus Reference Recommendations

Finding the limit of $\frac{Q(n)}{P(n)}$ where $Q,P$ are polynomials

Significance of $\sqrt[n]{a^n} $?!

How to determine equation for $\sum_{k=1}^n k^3$

$\arcsin$ written as $\sin^{-1}(x)$

An element of a group has the same order as its inverse

Matrix multiplication: interpreting and understanding the process

Why is the even root of a number always positive?

Confused between Nested Quantifiers

Boy Born on a Tuesday - is it just a language trick?

Finite Sum of Power?