New posts in cumulative-distribution-functions

For a given CDF compute $\Bbb P(X^2 \in A)$

Show $E(X^k) = \int^\infty_0 (1-F_X(x))h(x) dx$ [closed]

Estimate bias determination

Density of a quotient. Let $A,B\overset{\tt iid}{\sim} \mathcal{N}(0,1)$, $X=ae^A$ and $Y=be^B$. What is the density of $Z=X/Y$?

How to show symmetry about origin of two iid pdf

Joint CDF to Marginal CDF - For Continuous R.V. X & Y

Probability of majority votes being correct

Expected value of normal CDF

Cumulative distribution function for min(X, 15)

Determining the CDF of an absolutely continuous random vector, given its density.

Distribution of X-Y for identical independent random variables

Calculate PDF for 2 random variables?

How to Find CDF of $T_1-T_2$? [duplicate]

Transformation of random variable using CDF not making sense?

Finding CDF from given piecewise PDF

Is the limit $x \to - \infty$ of the cumulative distribution function always equal to $0$?