New posts in probability

Expected number of rolling a pair of dice to generate all possible sums

How to find the median of a p.d.f with unknown integral limits

Find PDF of $Y = |X|$ if $X$ is a random variable following the normal distribution

For a cdf, $F(F^{-1}(u)) \geq u$ and $F^{-1}(F(x)) \leq x$. When does strict inequality apply?

How to determine if coin comes up heads more often than tails?

Determining variance from sum of two random correlated variables

Bayes' rule with 3 variables

If you have two envelopes, and ...

Coin Tossing Game Optimal Strategy

Random variables satisfying a strict inequality

Probability that 3 points in a plane form a triangle

Solutions to $\binom{n}{5} = 2 \binom{m}{5}$

Why is the error function defined as it is?

A variant of the Monty Hall problem

Multiplication of a random variable with constant

another balls and bins question

Sum of independent Gamma distributions is a Gamma distribution

Combination with repetitions.

What is the probability that the center of the circle is contained within a triangle formed by choosing three random points on the circumference? [closed]

What is the correct standard deviation when splitting a sample?