New posts in probability

Probability: there are 8 women and 2 men. What is the probability that at least one man is present in a randomly picked group of 3 people?

How many times to roll a die before getting two consecutive sixes? [closed]

SOLVED If A and B are independent given C, then P(A|C) x P(B|C) = P(A and B | C)?

What is the chance that a rabbit won't fall off a table if you put it somewhere and it moves.

Precise definition of the support of a random variable

Find the probability that the ball ends up in the slot in the middle

Mean of $ \sum (X_i - \bar{X})^2$

Expected number of times a set of 10 integers (selected from 1-100) is selected before all 100 are seen

Let $U=\operatorname{min}\{X,Y\}$ and $V=\operatorname{max}\{X,Y\}$. Show that $V-U$ is independent of $U$.

How to find a random axis or unit vector in 3D?

Picking two random real numbers between 0 and 1, why isn't the probability that the first is greater than the second exactly 50%?

what is the difference between average and expected value?

Limit associated with a recursion

Noise Bottleneck of Nassim Taleb

Expectation Inequality involving Absolute Mean Difference [duplicate]

Which would be the "direct" formula for the birthday paradox , withouth subtracting to 1?

Expected Number of Moves to Fall Off Table

What's the General Expression For Probability of a Failed Gift Exchange Draw

Proof that the hypergeometric distribution with large $N$ approaches the binomial distribution.

Conditional and joint probability manipulations when there are 3 variables