New posts in present-tense

"I am gonna have to" vs. "I have to"

"I don't understand you" vs. "I'm not understanding you" [closed]

If clause with a past tense about future for hypothetical condition

“You go and dry yourselves while I polish the car.” or "You go and dry yourselves while I'm polishing the car." [closed]

What is a complex/difficult example of English tenses? [closed]

What tense is "If I were a bird, I could fly"

"Why are you asking?" versus "Why do you ask?"

What is the historic present tense?

When is "loved" a past participle and when is it simple past?

Why did The New York Times use the present simple to describe a past event? [duplicate]

You won't catch the train if you don't/won't leave in time [closed]

Is it grammatically correct to change tense in a sentence? [duplicate]

Mixing tenses in past tense fiction

Simple present, or present continuous?

Is it okay to say "Do you know there is" [closed]

What is are the distinct names for these verbs: 'Display' and 'Displays' [closed]

What does simple really mean in grammar?

"Why don't they help him?" Why do we use simple present here?

Past Simple vs. Past Progressive

What tense should be used here?