New posts in perfect-aspect

Difference in meaning: "would have had to be" vs "would have had to have been"

A grammar rule (Present perfect)

The diagram for showing Future-Perfect-In-Past Tense

Should “If I ever had a philosophy” be in the past perfect?

Simple Past and Present Perfect [closed]

How to use "have been —ing"

"has scientists excited" or "has excited scientists"?

What tense is "would have been"?

"I've gotten better-looking as I get older" When did "gotten" re-enter the BrEng vernacular?

Present perfect used in the negative

"Will have heard by now" sounds like bad usage to me; what is your opinion? [closed]

Adverbs + Present Perfect

Two past perfect verbs in the same sentence

"Until" followed by past perfect or past simple

During with Present Perfect?

Present Perfect with the word "ago"?

Usage of 'future perfect' versus 'future simple'

Does this sentence imply 2 meanings? Present Perfect

Speculative conditional: Why does it use the past tense or past perfect tense?

"they had renovated" vs "had been renovating"