New posts in past-perfect

The use of present perfect on someone who has passed away

"I had finished the work on friday" / "I have finished the work"

had vs no had - what is the difference [duplicate]

Would you say, "She was quiet after she'd been back from school," or "She was quiet after she'd gotten back from school"? [closed]

present tense with past perfect?

When to use 'had been' + past participle of the verb

Is this correct: "I'd have to have had..."

"Would fly" versus "would have flown"

Where should we use 'has/have been' and 'had been'?

Why "I already said" is correct? I am confused with using past perfect and already

Use of past perfect versus simple past

Simple past vs. past perfect

Speculative conditional: Why does it use the past tense or past perfect tense?

"they had renovated" vs "had been renovating"

When do we use “had had” and “have had”? [duplicate]

What does "had had" mean? How does this differ from "had"?

Why do people sometimes use the past perfect form of a verb when the past would suffice? (e.g. "you had mentioned")