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Can we omit a duplicated preposition? [duplicate]

Dropping "when" in an adverbial clause renders this sentence ungrammatical?

omitting auxiliaries and articles in logs [closed]

Omitting "there" in a sentence

Omis­si­bil­ity of the defi­n­ite ar­ti­cle “the” be­fore at­tribu­tive mod­i­fiers of per­sonal names in Amer­i­can English

Adjective-Denoted Nationalities without "the"

If it isn't [someone's name]!

Omissions of "that" in a relative clause [duplicate]

"that" omission, subject-verb distance [duplicate]

"The place I was born" vs. "The place I was born in"

When is "that" superfluous? [duplicate]

Omission of "is" in "She thought the study of Latin a waste of time."

What is the grammatical topic of this shortening technique?

"They are" or "that they are"? [duplicate]

I think/know vs. I think/know that [duplicate]

The "-ing" form of a verb and indefinite article [closed]

What’s the long form corresponding to the short form “English Language & Usage”?

Why do people use ‘should’ in “It’s funny you should say that”?

Is "personal usage requires the user provision the device" correct? The bare infinitive v the to-infinitive

“The difficulty is we need” vs. “The difficulty is ᴛʜᴀᴛ we need”