New posts in mathematical-physics

Studying quantum mechanics without physics background

Quantization of angular momentum: is Dirac's proof wrong?

Reference for rigorous treatment of the representation theory of the Lorentz group

A text that can accompany this Course on "Geometry for theoretical physics"

Can we actually walk along the gradient of a scalar to climb the hill faster?

I have difficulty in this chain rule. Can anyone explain this to me in simple words??

Why can algebraic geometry be applied into theoretical physics?

Why don't mathematicians introduce intuition behind concepts as physicists do?

Is there any abstract theory of electrical networks?

Finding Eigenvalues of First Order ODEs with Periodic BC?

How can we prove that a non-linear equation of motion for a classical scalar field satisfies causality?

CFT's vs Vertex Operator Algebras

How to solve an ODE with $y^{-1}$ term

How do we compute Hodge duals?

A limit in a Feynman "proof" about Fermat's Theorem.

Mathematics and Physics prerequisites for mirror symmetry

Applications of Algebra in Physics

Intuition behind definition of spinor

What does the symbol $\operatorname{Tr}$ in the Yang-Mills action mean?

Why is the momentum a covector?