New posts in manifolds

Definition of complex submanifold

Derivatives must vanish near a point in any coordinate system

Confusion with immersions, embeddings, local homeomorphisms, and local diffeomorphisms.

Pushfoward of smooth vector field is smooth?

Intersection of topological manifolds.

Smooth homotopy

"Drawable" Examples of Vector Bundles

Is the connected sum of complex manifolds also complex?

Is the matrix for the Killing form invertible for all semi-simple Lie algebras

Intuitive understanding of manifolds

Clarification of notion of proper group action.

Non-vanishing vector fields on non-compact manifolds

Collar neighbourhoods for topological manifolds.

$M \times N$ orientable if and only if $M, N$ orientable [duplicate]

$T_pS \subseteq T_pM$: Are tangent spaces of submanifolds subsets (and not embedded) of tangent spaces of the original manifold?

(Anti-) Holomorphic significance?

Hitchin's definition of tangent space and tangent vectors

Prove that tangent spaces, modeled as equivalence classes of curves, are vector spaces

How to introduce stress tensor on manifolds?

Smooth manifold $M$ is completely determined by the ring $F$.