New posts in manifolds

Geometric meaning of a nondegenerate critical point

Question about statement of Rank Theorem in Rudin

"Completing" a vector field on a non-compact manifold $M$

Differential of Multiplication Map of Lie Group

Interior and boundary points of $n$-manifold with boundary

fundamental group of manifold, Lee's text topological manifold

Are adjoint representation matrices the generators of the Adjoint representation?

Can manifold subsets always be made into submanifolds?

Embedding compact (boundaryless?) $n$-manifolds in $n$-dimensional real space

Show that a connected 1d manifold $M$ is homeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}$ or $S^1$ [duplicate]

Counterexample Immersed Submanifold.

In the Lie bracket $\mathcal L_X Y\equiv[X,Y]$ of vector fields, which integral curves are used?

Can we generalize the regular value theorem even beyond the Ehresmann's theorem?

What surface do we get by joining the opposite edges of a hexagon?

Show that a connected 1d manifold M is homeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}$ or $S^1$

In what kind of space does this object live?

Tautological line bundle over $\mathbb{RP}^n$ isomorphic to normal bundle? Also "splitting" of transition functions

Intuition for Exotic $\mathbb R^4$'s

Does a simple subalgebra have to be an ideal of the larger algebra?

Properties of the category of smooth vector bundles over a smooth manifold