New posts in language-evolution

When did "crew" become a sport? When did "crew team" come into use?

Is there a technical term for the degeneration or evolution of words?

Why do we "test" pupils on "rules" of English when English has no legal standards board? [closed]

When a foreign word or phrase becomes English [duplicate]

Why does appraisal have so little to do with praise?

Irrealis “were” following “as if”

Etymology of English "Achoo" relative to other sneezing onomatopoeiae

Can "brain" be used as a verb [closed]

The subjunctive mood or not? [duplicate]

What is the difference between these two "scip"s?

Is English the only language that distinguishes thumbs from other fingers? [closed]

Two-word verbs described with One-word nouns

Do any English synonyms have exactly the same meaning? [duplicate]

Did English "borrow" or "inherit" from Proto-Germanic (PGmc)? [closed]

"Off on a tangent" vs. "off tangent."

When did it become okay to drop "years old" when speaking about a living thing?

Does etymology have a word like cladistics?

Why did "species" take over the singular?

What is this an example of: "a napron" becomes "an apron"? [duplicate]

Is "which" a preposition? Because because