Is English the only language that distinguishes thumbs from other fingers? [closed]
A Russian colleague of mine recently told me that English is the only language that actively distinguishes between fingers and thumbs by having a completely separate word. Her phrasing of it was "English is the only language where you have 8 fingers, in all others there are 10!".
This surprises me. I'm sure that there must be at least one other language out there that does distinguish between them. I did a quick Google to find out if this was true, but the results were inconclusive. Some results supported the conclusion, others went as far as saying that there is even a Russian word for "thumb", but didn't actually specify what that word was. A possibility that I find plausible is that a lot of languages do have such a word, but its use is not very frequent or the word is archaic.
So, do other languages have 8 fingers too, or are we just strange?
Solution 1:
The French for 'finger' is doigt. The French for 'thumb' is pouce.
Solution 2:
Apparently the Spanish think the English are strange about this: see here.
Spanish has a thumb but not toes. Rather, the Spanish word for thumb is pulgar, which is related to pulgada, an inch. Fingers are dedos and toes are also dedos, just dedos del pie. One’s “fingers and toes” are therefore los dedos de manos y pies.
And the would-be thumb on your foot in English is called your great toe, or big toe.