New posts in integers

For which values of $\theta$ does this equation $x^{\cos\theta} +y^{\sin\theta }=1$ have solutions in integers?

Collatz divide by -2 instead

Linear Diophantine equations with fractional coefficients

Division in $1$ variable

Show $\sum_{k=1}^n \frac{1}{k^2} \le 2$ and $\ln(n!) \ge 1 -n+n\ln(n)$ for all positive integers n

If $2x + 3y$ is multiple of $17$, then $9x + 5y$ is multiple of $17$

Is every property of the integers provable?

Proving the area is irrational for triangle with integer vertices

For what integer values of $y$ is $\frac{3y-1}{y-3}$ an integer?

Lower bound for $Pr(X > E[X])$ where $X$ is a non-negative integer random variable

Notation for every odd integer number

What's special about 323 and squared rectangles?

Calculating a Factorial Base Representation

Showing that it is not possible that for every $q_j$ it holds that $2+\prod_{k \neq j} q_k $ is divisible by $q_j$.

Determine all integral solutions of $a^2+b^2+c^2=a^2b^2$ [duplicate]

When are quadratic rings of integers unique factorization domains?

How to find all polynomials that map integers to integers?

Why is the set of integers with the operation of addition considered a cyclic group?

Prove the equation $\left(2x^2+1\right)\left(2y^2+1\right)=4z^2+1$ has no solution in the positive integers

Are Transitions in a Hydrogen Atom Unique