New posts in integers

Intuitive/direct proof that a rectangle partitioned into rectangles each with at least one integer side must itself have an integer side

Smith normal form of matrix over $Z$?

Zero joint subsums of integers

Find all complex numbers $z$ such as $z$ and $2/z$ have both real and imaginary part integers

The word "integral" in calculus unrelated to "integral" / "integer" in algebra?

$\lim_{n\to\infty}\frac{floor( x\cdot 10^n)}{10^n}$

Proving that a number is an integer.

Is every integer a unary operation?

Proof of Lemma: Every integer can be written as a product of primes

Does $\operatorname{product-of-digits}(n)=n/3$ have at least one solution in any bases except for the power of $3$?

Find all positive integers $(a,b)$ such that $\displaystyle\frac{a^{2^{b}}+b^{2^{a}}+11}{2^{a}+2^{b}}$ is an integer

Solve the equation $a+b+c=abc$ for $a,b,c\in\mathbb{Z}$ [duplicate]

What is the difference between natural numbers and positive integers?

Can there be integer solutions (please PROVE) [closed]

Reducibility of $x^3+nx+1$ over $ \Bbb Z$

Prove that the first list contains numbers from k to 2k and second list contains numbers from 1 to k.

Is there a quick way to write say positive integers in an interval in mathematical notation?

Bijection between $\{0,1\}^\omega$ and the set of positive integers

How to write an "index set"

The set of rationals has the same cardinality as the set of integers