New posts in infinitives

"Due to" at the beginning of a sentence

How do I know when a verb should be followed by a gerund or an infinitive?

Which is (more) correct? [duplicate]

Do we ever use "suppose" (active) with infinitive?

How to make these sentences passive: 'People believe that Jenkins is the culprit.' and 'People believed that Jenkins was the culprit.' [closed]

Expect +to VS expect + ing

Can "the idea" ever idiomatically take an infinitive?

"... help me find" vs. "... help me to find" [duplicate]

Grammatical complements for "allow"

Infinitives with "ought not"

"Plan to do" vs. "plan on doing"

Is it appropriate to omit "to" after "ought"?

"To do this or do that" or "to do this or *to* do that"?

How does the word "to" function with an infinitive?

'Should've seen it glow' or 'should've seen it glowing'?

the to-infinitive as an adverbial(substitute of for+N?), an object, or a subject complement?

Help + Noun + Ing-form or Infinitive

Is "to practice volleyball requires stamina" grammatical?

What do infinitives mean in news headlines? [closed]

When is "to" a preposition and when the infinitive marker?