New posts in infinitives

"Can easily be" vs. "can be easily" — what's the difference?

How to remember the difference between: "Can you try to open" and "Can you try opening"?

verbs (or infinitives) as objective? [duplicate]

Repeating (or not) "to" in a sentence involving infinitives set in parallel

When to use a gerund or an infinitive after "is"?

To + verb in sentence without any other verb

The choice between the gerund and the infinitive in a certain construction

"Help rule out" vs. "help to rule out" [duplicate]

"Important that John bring/brings" [duplicate]

Do the -ing and to-infinitive "verbs" that follow catenative verbs always take the grammatical function of "noun"?

"It is to be discussed", what is the infinitive doing in this sentence?

What is the infinitive of "can"?

Is 'I would rather...' without an infinitive immediately following it correct?

Ambiguous Information on ''verb -to and verb -ing''

Can object complements make any difference to sentences?

"Started to work" vs "Started working"

Which sentences are correct or nature and why? [duplicate]

Catenatives followed by infinitives and gerunds

"I think him to be about 50" or "I think he is about 50"?

How to use "to + V-ing"?