New posts in infinitives

Why was "to + verb + ing" used in this case? [duplicate]

What parts of speech are "like" and "to" in the sentence "Bobby does not like to walk"? [closed]

Is "Why to... ..." grammatical?

“Be” as an action rather than a state

What is the grammatical function of the infinitive 'to aid them' in the following sentence? 'He could do nothing to aid them.'

"No one is born hating..." vs. "No one is born to hate..."

Which of the following sentences is/are incorrect? ("Permit" vs. "allow" vs. "let")

What is the purpose of (-s) in "Don't hurts us"?

Past tense and "rather than"

Are the infinitive phrases adverbial or adjectival in these sentences?

"It is fun to write letters" vs. "It is fun writing letters"

Are both of these Raising’s?

Infinitive without "to"? [duplicate]

fun to make and fun to eat

‘to start’ and ‘to starting’, prefaced by ‘key’

Is there a difference between "way of doing something" and "way to do something"?

Help identifying an error type "tried to help me learning"

Why are present participle and infinitive equally acceptable for some verbs, but not others?

How does the to infinitive work with adjectives like "wrong" and "wise"?

Should we use "not to" or "to not"? [duplicate]