New posts in grammatical-case

Can object pronouns and possessive pronouns be used side by side without a preposition? [duplicate]

Is it correct to say: I will see you at the Christmas dinner or I will see you at Christmas dinner

Correct answer for the following question [duplicate]

Do I use whom or who in this sentence? [duplicate]

Did Martin Scorsese use "whom" properly in this interview? [duplicate]

Is the sentence grammatically correct and is "get" or "have" correct?

The plurality of “a few”

there is a single person whose/whom/who being a person contains the events of his career

is it whom or who in this phrase? [duplicate]

Is 'whom' incorrect in this sentence? [duplicate]

Correct use of Pronoun [duplicate]

When do we use Verb ING at the beginning of sentences?

When to use "we" and "us" — specific SAT example [duplicate]

Is "you and I" the subject in this sentence?

Who vs. whom when the he/him test is unclear

What is the possessive case and the objective case of "ye?"

"Smarter than me" or "smarter than I"? [duplicate]

personal pronouns in object position but subjective case

What case is used for pronouns in the vocative?

Confusion regarding "I" and "me" [duplicate]