Is "you and I" the subject in this sentence?

I know that "you and I" should be used when it's the subject of a sentence, and "you and me" when it's a complement. But I'm not sure about the following phrase:

We are very good pals, you and I.

It would seem to me that "you and I" is a subject here (so I should use "I" instead of "me"). Is that correct?

Solution 1:

The subject is we and are agrees with it in Standard English. You and I is in apposition to we and is what we might expect to find in formal contexts. However, you and me might also be found in less formal contexts. I would say that it was a Standard English alternative, but others might disagree, arguing that it was to be found only in non-standard dialects.

Solution 2:

You and I/me is more complicated than it seems at first sight. I have discussed it in this blog post with reference to between you and I.