New posts in determiners

reference - demonstrative determiner

Possessive pronouns vs possessive determiners

Can anyone explain the use of determiners in this passage?

Are “this” and “next” demonstrative determiners?

Plural indefinite pronouns?

{This/that vs. these/those} + many + plural noun

“These stuff” vs. “this stuff” [closed]

"They all are fine" vs. "they are all fine" [closed]

Is there a difference between articles and determiners?

When to use "this" or "that"?

"That" vs "It" as Anaphoric Determiners

Is "each" an adverb, pronoun, determiner, or what else? [duplicate]

'The average person' or 'an average person'?

Is "How and why child is become criminal" proper English?

Why is "these" preferred in academic writing to "those?" [closed]

Is a determiner considered an adjective or a separate part?

Does this sentence of Melville lack a verb?

"I am a legend" vs. "I am legend"

"Both which" or "both of which"

Does the addition of a second “some” change the meaning of the following sentence?