New posts in convex-optimization

For a convex function, can I say that if the $L^2$ norm of the gradient $f(x)$ is smaller than the $L^2$ norm of gradient $f(y)$, then $f(x) < f(y)$?

Projection of a point onto a convex polyhedra

Best open source Mixed Integer Optimization Solver [closed]

When is the difference of two convex functions convex?

Proximal Operator of the Huber Loss Function

Is $f(x) = e^{−∥x∥^2}$ with $x∈R^n$ concave?

Transform an optimisation problem into a linearly-constrained quadratic program?

Why is it necessary to have convexity outside the feasible region?

Spectral norm minimization via semidefinite programming

is nonlinear least square a non convex optimization?

How to learn a Vandermonde matrix from data

Convexity of log det X???

Deriving the sub-differential of the nuclear norm

The conjugate function of infimal convolution

Proximal Operator of the Euclidean Norm ($ {L}_{2} $ Norm) without Using Moreau Decomposition

How to prove that $C = cc^T$ is not convex?

Proof: A function is convex iff it is convex when restricted to any line ..

Is KKT conditions necessary and sufficient for any convex problems?

How Can $ {L}_{1} $ Norm Minimization with Linear Equality Constraints (Basis Pursuit / Sparse Representation) Be Formulated as Linear Programming?

Why is this composition of concave and convex functions concave?