New posts in mathematical-optimization

3 dimensional bin packing algorithms

How to find the "interior boundary" / "interior convex hull" for a list of 3D points?

Solving an integer linear program: why are solvers claiming a solvable instance is infeasible?

Fit plane to a set of points in 3D: scipy.optimize.minimize vs scipy.linalg.lstsq

mathematical optimization library for Java --- free or open source recommendations? [closed]

Which is better way to calculate nCr

Find local maxima in grayscale image using OpenCV

Best open source Mixed Integer Optimization Solver [closed]

How to display progress of scipy.optimize function?

What is the difference between Gradient Descent and Newton's Gradient Descent?

How to concatenate two integers in C

What is the minimum cost to connect all the islands?

Flux.jl : Customizing optimizer

Why should weights of Neural Networks be initialized to random numbers? [closed]

What is an intuitive explanation of the Expectation Maximization technique? [closed]

What's the most efficient way to detect triangle-triangle intersections?

I don't know why there is 'gurobipy.LinExpr' object is not iterable

How to interpret loss and accuracy for a machine learning model [closed]

What is an NP-complete in computer science?