New posts in non-convex-optimization

Linear programming with one quadratic equality constraint

Showing that $x^{\top}Ax$ is maximized at $\max \lambda(A)$ for symmetric $A$

Explicit solution of an QCLP

Maximization of quadratic form over unit Euclidean sphere not centered at the origin

Solve least-squares minimization from overdetermined system with orthonormal constraint

How to prove that $C = cc^T$ is not convex?

Maximize the value of $v^{T}Av$

Maximize trace over Stiefel manifold

How do I solve $\min_x \max(c_1^Tx, c_2^Tx, \dots, c_k^Tx)$ for $\lVert x \rVert_2 = 1$.

Maximizing a quadratic function subject to $\| x \|_2 \le 1$

Why is this QCQP non-convex?

Stable strict local minimum implies local convexity

Solution to a non-convex problem — LP with unit norm constraint

Gradient descent on non-convex function works. How?

Prove that the phase retrieval problem is non-convex

Why is the non-negative matrix factorization problem non-convex?

Solution for $ \arg \min_{ {x}^{T} x = 1} { x}^{T} A x - {c}^{T} x $ - Quadratic Function with Non Linear Equality Constraint

What is the definition of a first order method?

Characterizing (stationary) points by the number of valleys one can descent into