New posts in contractions

Difference in pronunciation between "your" and "you're"?

What does “on’ry” mean in “I Wonder As I Wander”?

Do Americans say "don't" as often as the British?

Is there a rule for when contractions are not possible? [duplicate]

Appropriate title case: 'em or 'Em or 'EM

Is "aren't I" correct grammar?

Why would you write "ain't"? Isn't it a contraction only used in spoken English?

What is the possessive form of "y'all"?

When did "ain't" become slang?

"How's things?" or "How are things?"

Why is an apostrophe used in the genitive “-’s”?

Are what-cha and arent-cha examples of elision?

Does "you're" also qualify as a valid contraction for "you were"?

Why are expressions like “gonna”, “wanna” and “shoulda” American English?

Is it okay to say and write "ain't" yet?

How can we distinguish between "I would" and "I had" if someone says "I'd"?

Is it alright to use “usen’t” instead of “didn’t use to”?

What or who is the source of the proscription on contractions in formal writing?

Why can I contract *across* a word, skipping the word in the middle? [duplicate]

Can “does” be contracted? [closed]