New posts in conditionals

Why does this conditional feel wrong?

Third conditional would have and would

Is 'would have' always the third conditional?

"I wonder how my life would have been different had she lived"

Second conditional when making plans for the future: "If it rained tomorrow, I would go to the cinema."

Inverted Conditional for Passive sentences

What is the difference between "is having" and "has" in this sentence? [duplicate]

What part(s) of speech are "or else" and "otherwise" and why is "otherwise" more flexible if it's the same part of speech?

“COVID-19 changed / has changed / has been changing the everyday life of people” [duplicate]

Can "If" mean "since"?

A good sentence for specifying "without considering something" formally

Consecutio modorum: Do “that” clauses follow an irreal subjunctive in the parent clause?

Using a present tense verb in an "if" clause, followed by the main clause

Are there past and future equivalents of the “zero conditional”?

“In cases where” vs. “If”

Using "if" or not in a sentence structure when expressing doubt

I wish you would have died... vs. I wish you had died [duplicate]

The “Polite” Conditional?

3rd conditional plus 2nd conditional?

'If you asked me now' or 'If you ask me now'? [closed]