New posts in conditionals

asyndeton in speech

What is the etymology of WERE in the Second Conditional?

Is there a tendency among native speakers of English not to use "past perfect" for past conditional sentences? Perhaps they consider it "too correct"?

Conditional Type II and Type III

Why is there "was" instead of "were" in this conditional type 2? [closed]

But for my father, I wouldn't have achieved anything. Is this correct? [duplicate]

Usage of 'if' in two sentences

poetic license or incorrect mixed conditional

"If he is polite, then he gets the job", or "if he be polite, then he gets the job"? [duplicate]

Why is it "could" and not "can" in the famous line: "If a face could launch a thousand ships"? [duplicate]

"Value was fetched successfully" or "Value is fetched successfully"? [duplicate]

How come “What if no one would be allowed to post....” doesn’t sound right? [closed]

third conditional & perfect past

Irrealis “were” following “as if”

Conditional Subjunctive and Conditional Indicative

Use of conditional sentences

Omitting pronouns in conditional clauses

"Whatever it costs, it doesn't matter" - Conditionals with "whatever"

conditional tenses

Difference between had survived, has survived and survived [duplicate]