New posts in commas

Comma before adverbial participial phrases (reduced adverbial phrases) and participial prepositions

Compound Sentences with Interrupting Phrase [duplicate]

Sentence with multiple 'and's: should I use an Oxford comma, and if so, where? [closed]

Punctuation for the phrase "including but not limited to"

What's the correct use of a comma when thanking someone?

Comma after address

Comma before "or" or not? [closed]

Where to put commas in a long sentence with multiple ands

"If" with implicit "then" question: Should a comma be used?

Is it mandatory to use a comma before a coordinating conjunction uniting the two independent clauses in a compound sentence?

Comma or no comma before "too"?

When should one use the comma versus the semicolon, and vice versa?

Do you need a comma before a subordinating conjunction (like if)?

How many people are in the sentence "My friend, John, and I went shopping"?

Complete the job, as directed. There is a comma. why?

Commas Around a Disjunct After a Coordinating Conjunction? [duplicate]

Is vocative comma rule vanishing?

Should there be a comma after 'and'? [duplicate]

When to use commas in a sentence that starts with "finally", "additionally", etc.?

Comma placement: "Hi, my name is Joe and I work in a button factory." [duplicate]