New posts in commas

What is a comma splice?

I thought blah blah blah, and I was right. Is the comma correct?

Can a single comma close off two asides?

Is using a comma as a pause correct?

When should you use a semicolon *with* a conjunction?

Placing comma before ambiguous prepositional phrase

Listing quoted sentences: separate them with a semicolon, comma, period (or none)?

Do you need a comma at the end of an insert? [duplicate]

Should there be a comma before "though" when it occurs at the end of a sentence?

Do I need to use a comma between two adjectives? [closed]

Commas with "then"

Comma Use Confusion

Comma before which

How should I use a possessive apostrophe when a name is between commas? [duplicate]

Does every piece of punctuation add syntactic information? [closed]

When to use a comma before "and"

Coordinating conjunction immediately followed by parenthetical — Is a comma needed or not?

Is “month year” or “month, year” the more common form of punctuation in print publishing?

Comma in series?

Comma after a coordinating conjunction preceding a parenthetical at the start of the sentence