Where to put commas in a long sentence with multiple ands

I am having a lot of trouble figuring out where to place commas in my long sentences and was hoping to get some guidance for this particular sentence so I can use it for reference.

  1. Specifically, our architecture takes as input the giver and receiver pose that we denote together as Pi, and the object label O in the form of a GloVe embedding, and forecasts both their poses Ph and the orientation of the object Or centered on the giver's grasping hand at handover


  1. Specifically, our architecture takes as input the giver and receiver pose that we denote together as Pi, and the object label O in the form of a GloVe embedding and, forecasts both their poses Ph and the orientation of the object Or centered on the giver's grasping hand at handover

The first version is correct; placing the comma after "and" in the second version is not correct. However, I agree with Yosef, this would be better written as two separate sentences.

"Specifically, our architecture takes as input the giver and receiver pose that we denote together as Pi, and the object label O in the form of a GloVe embedding. It forecasts both their poses Ph and the orientation of the object Or centered on the giver's grasping hand at handover."

I am, of course, assuming this is actually the end of the sentence!