New posts in be

"It is fun to be him/he." Which is correct?

A Question About Plural Singular [duplicate]

Is "I be", grammatically correct?

"Who(m) will it be?" vs. "Will it be he/him?"

Plural of 'performance'

When to delete Verb to be

Present perfect tense with the verb 'is'

Which one is correct: "was/were dead" or "is/are dead" years ago? [closed]

The meeting IS TO take place at 10 pm [closed]

Is “are” a borrowed word?

"a patient who is" or "a patient whom is"? [duplicate]

'What is important is ...' vs 'What is important are ...'

Can the verb 'be' be modified?

Any antonyms of be? [closed]

"The problem is he is stingy"

Construction of “woe is me”

What is the difference between "to be" and "must/need/should be"?

Why do they use "are born" instead of "were born" in this sentence? [duplicate]

to be + past participle

"Which one is you?" vs "Which one are you?"