New posts in algorithms

Minimum number of iterations in Newton's method to find a square root

How can we draw $14$ squares to obtain an $8 \times 8$ table divided into $64$ unit squares?

What is the process/algorithm for extracting the nth root of x (x and n are integers)? [duplicate]

What is the algorithm hiding beneath the complexity in this paper?

Domination problem with sets

Name for this sorting algorithm

Intersection of circle and geodesic segment on sphere

Polynomial decomposition test

pandigital rational approximations to the golden ratio and the base of the natural logarithm

What algorithm is Newton using in the "De analysi" to extract the square root of a polynomial?

Detecting polygon self intersection

Calculating Non-Integer Exponent

Lights Out Variant: Flipping the whole row and column.

Is it faster to multiply a matrix by its transpose than ordinary matrix multiplication?

An algorithm for arbitrage in currency exchange

reverse (left) arrow in an algorithm?

Euclidean algorithm to find the GCD

Solving inhomogenous ODE

Rabin and Shallit Algorithm

Is there any efficient algorithm for finding subgroups of a given finite group?