New posts in algorithms

In how many ways we can place $N$ mutually non-attacking knights on an $M \times M$ chessboard?

Decomposition of an algebraic number into a sum or product of algebraic numbers with smaller degree

Egyptian fractions with very large denominators

How to solve the matrix minimization for BFGS update in Quasi-Newton optimization

How to compute the Pareto Frontier, intuitively speaking?

Finding irreducible polynomials over GF(2) with the fewest terms

Looking to understand the rationale for money denomination

Minimum number of operations (divide by 2/3 or subtract 1) to reduce $n$ to $1$

Algorithmic simplification of expressions with $\arctan$, e.g. $2\arctan\frac{5-\sqrt2}{5+\sqrt2}=3\arctan\frac{1}{2\sqrt2}$.

Reducing the time to calculate Collatz sequences

Mixed strategy nash equilibria in from $2\times N$ bimatrix form

Do dynamic programming and greedy algorithms solve the same type of problems?

Quadratic sieve algorithm

How many convex functions are there in $[0,1]^2$?

Fastest prime generating algorithm

Puzzle: Cracking the safe [duplicate]

Check if line intersects with circles perimeter

Solving SAT by converting to disjunctive normal form

Algorithm(s) for computing an elementary symmetric polynomial

Extracting individual race results from Mario Kart final scores