New posts in abbreviations

What is a word similar to FYI but not objective/neutral [closed]

With character or sign

Different forms of the abbreviations for "identification"?

How many dots are needed, when the last word of the sentence is a.m.? [duplicate]

What are the abbreviations most commonly used on the Internet? [closed]

Why do so many people insist on using incomprehensible, obscure, ambiguous acronyms all the time? [closed]

Origin of 'cuz' as shortening for cousin?

Are “lb” or “lbs” ever pronounced differently from “pound(s)”?

Shouldn't vs should not usage

Is it okay to ignore putting periods between initials?

How would you abbreviate "sixteen dollars and fifty cents an hour"?

Blending Two Individual Words Together That Share the Same Consonant Cluster

Is there an abbr. for 'Up To Today/Date' like YTD?

"This is actually true" vs. [sic]

Are there any general rules or guidelines for creating abbreviations for words?

Combining open compounds using hyphen in enumerations

Do I use "ID" or "Id" [closed]

Should I acronymize "Health, Safety, and Environment" as "HSE" or "SHE"?

Does an abbreviation which is written in lowercase have to be capitalised after a period? [duplicate]

Usage of "p." vs "pp." to denote two separate pages