New posts in abbreviations

Proper punctuation in abbreviation of Nota Bene [closed]

Percentage points abbreviation

Plural of irregular or foreign acronyms [duplicate]

What are the replacements for "i.e." and what are their differences?

"E.g." or "e. g." (with a blank)?

How to list a list of PhDs

Meaning of M'year, S'year etc. in academic biographies

Abbreviation for current

"Mic" as an abbreviation for microwave

Why is "stackexchange" sometimes abbreviated "sx" and not "se"?

What is the true meaning of common era? [duplicate]

What did the word "Ade" mean in the English of a hundred years ago?

When listing species of plants, what does "var." mean?

proper way to write the slang term for “gravitational force”

Could anyone explain to me the meaning of the abbreviation Nagel's?

Abbreviating names that start with a vowel

What does "E-Z" mean?

What's the shortest abbreviation for "see attachment" or "see enclosed file" in an e-mail?

From where does the "s/he" practice originate? [duplicate]

What is the full form of RSVP? [closed]