What are the abbreviations most commonly used on the Internet? [closed]

Solution 1:

Here are some that I've seen quite often (there are many more here):

  • AFAIC: As Far As I'm Concerned
  • AFAIK: As Far As I Know
  • AFAIR: As Far As I Recall
  • AFK: Away From Keyboard
  • ATM: At The Moment
  • BSOD: Blue Screen Of Death
  • BTDT: Been There, Done That
  • BTW: By The Way
  • FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
  • FTR: For The Record
  • FWIW: For What It's Worth
  • FYI: For Your Information
  • GIGO: Garbage In, Garbage Out
  • IANAL: I Am Not A Lawyer
  • IIRC: If I Recall Correctly
  • IMHO: In My Humble Opinion
  • IMNSHO: In My Not So Humble Opinion
  • IOW: In Other Words
  • IRL: In Real Life
  • LOL: Laughing Out Loud
  • OOTB: Out Of The Box
  • RTFM: Read The Manual
  • TLA: Three Letter Acronym
  • YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary

Solution 2:

One I've seen only recently is

  • tl;dr

which apparently means "too long; didn't read".

Solution 3:

WTF - What the F*** (or 'Why the face' - Modern Family. Phil: "I'm cool dad, that's my thang. I'm hip, I surf the web, I text. LOL: laugh out loud, OMG: oh my god, WTF: why the face")

Solution 4:

i've noticed the emergence of the letter "F" in common acronyms, added for color. i.e. BTFW (by the f-ing way), etc. @Kramii's answer includes my favorite: RTFM!