New posts in vowels

Why are "suffice" and "sufficient" pronounced so differently?

Pronunciation of /æ/, when it comes before /m/ or /n/

What was the pronunciation of the a in "trap" in early to mid Modern English in the UK?

Vowel in "-ang" and "-ank" Words: Pronunciation and Dictionary Transcription

difference between American and British /ӕ/ sound

What’s the rule for the sound of the letter A in the middle of three-letter words?

Difference between /æ/ and /ɛ/

Is /æ/ sound always same?

Longest English word without a vowel sound

How is /ɑ:/ realized in British English: [ɑː] or more relaxed than [ɑː]?

The pronunciation of 'Hawaii'

The pronunciation of "ate"

How to signal that a last letter vowel is long or short

Why are the vowels in "harmony", "harmonic" and "harmonious" pronounced differently?

Why doesn't the silent "e" work on "infinite"? [duplicate]

Why did the vowel in "Christ" become long in moving from Old English to Middle English?

How is "gone" pronounced?

Does /ɛ/ have more than one sound?

pronunciation US-UK in words like "semi"

Any rule for pronouncing “e”?