New posts in vowels

Yod coalescence across words - only with "you(r(s))"?

When did "legend" stop being pronounced "LEE-gend"?

Why is it 'speaking'/'speech' instead of 'speeking'/'speech' or 'speaking'/'speach'?

Why do I have a different vowel in "scarf" than I have in "scarves", and how come nobody talks about this?

How to pronounce "miracle"?

Is there a name/term for "multiplied vowels"?

Where in the US are these vowels mispronounced? "got" -> "gat"

The proper way to say "Mocha" the coffee drink

Sound changes of "wild" and "wilderness" [duplicate]

British [a] = American [ɑ] in certain words

Where did "sorry" get its vowel sound?

What is the i with a dot on top and dot on bottom called?

Pronunciation of words starting with "a"

Do Americans with PIN-PEN merger confuse "imminent" and "eminent"? [closed]

Should one pronounce THE [in this case, THEE] when the following word begins with a vowel and THA when the following words begin with a consonant [duplicate]

Why is "Yosemite" spelled that way?

Long vs. short vowels in English words of Latin origin

Vowel sound in *die* vs *dice*

Different /ə/ pronunciation at the end of a word; for example, in "phenomena"

/ɑ/ vs /ʌ/ pronunciation