New posts in symmetric-groups

Prove that if $\pi\in S_n,n\ge3$ and $\forall\sigma\in S_n, \pi\sigma=\sigma\pi$, then $\pi=e$. [duplicate]

Cyclicness of a quotient of subgroups of infinite cyclic group

Normal subgroups of the symmetric group $S_N$

Subgroup of O(2) isomorphic to $D_n$, matrices that form that group.

Outer Automorphisms of $S_n$

Is it necessary to determine a definite homomorphism here?

What does Heron's formula naturally deform?

Finding a subgroup of $S_8$ isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}_4 \times \mathbb{Z}_4$

How to classify polyominoes by shape

Field of definition of representations of symmetric groups

Permutation group sending even to even and odd to odd

Show the commutator subgroup of $S_{n}$ is $A_{n}$ for $n \geq 5$

What is a twisted symmetric group?

The group of permutations with almost all points fixed is a maximal normal subgroup of the symmetric group.

Applications of the fact that a group is never the union of two of its proper subgroups

Proving a function is in the symmetric group [closed]

Are symmetries necessary in group action?

The "fake $\mathrm{GL}_2(\mathbb{F}_3)$" and the binary octahedral group

Show the centralisers $C_{S_6}(s)$ and $C_{S_6}(t)$ are isomorphic to $S_{3} \times C_{3}$

A question on partitions of n