New posts in symmetric-groups

Is $S_R$ finitely generated?

Irreducible representations of $S_3$

What is the the sum of orders of all elements of $S_n$?

Subgroups of $S_n$ with exactly one fixed point for each element all have the same fixed point.

Generalisation of the Symmetric Group

Definition of the Young Symmetrizer

Prove that there doesn't exist any normal subgroup $H$ such that $S_5/H $ is isomorphic to $S_4$

Every permutation is a product of two permutations of order 2

Generalizing Newton's identities: Trace formula for Schur functors

Does there exist some sort of classification of incompressible groups?

Prove that the symmetric group $S_n$, $n \geq 3$, has trivial center. [duplicate]

Find all homomorphisms $\varphi : \Bbb Z_6 \to S_3$. [duplicate]

Why is conjugation by an odd permutation in $S_n$ not an inner automorphism on $A_n$?

Young diagram for exterior powers of standard representation of $S_{n}$

Count the permutations which are products of exactly two disjoint cycles.

What is the number of squares in $S_n$?

Why are there 5 subgroups that are generated by double transpositions on four elements in $S_5$?

An abelian subgroup of symmetric group

Coloring a cube with 4 colors

In layperson's terms, what is a general affine group?