New posts in soft-question

Advantage of accepting non-measurable sets

Good examples of mathematical writing (structural organization, style, typesetting, and so on)

Learning Mathematics using only audio.

Is there any English version of Récoltes et Semailles?

The double factorial notation

Are matrices best understood as linear maps?

What does it mean to say that a particular mathematical theory is a foundation for mathematics?

Is this dress puzzle solvable?

Is there a symbol for the idea of the smallest value greater than zero?

A structural proof that $ax=xa$ forms a monoid

Learning math-oriented French

Why do mathematicians use only symmetric matrices when they want positive semi-definite matrices?

Strategies to study apart from "books cover to cover."

Understand it or burn [closed]

Can an older person become an expert in math? [closed]

Are there interesting rings without unity?

Why is the distributive property so pervasive in mathematics?

Is any real-valued function in physics somehow continuous?

What distinguishes the Measure Theory and Probability Theory?

What is the main purpose of learning about different spaces, like Hilbert, Banach, etc?