New posts in rotations

Quaternion–Spinor relationship?

How can I calculate a $4\times 4$ rotation matrix to match a 4d direction vector?

Deriving form of general rotation matrix along an axis using calculus

rotation about $x$ and $y$ axis on the Bloch sphere

How to convert Euler angles to Quaternions and get the same Euler angles back from Quaternions?

Composition of two axis-angle rotations

Fake Proof for Dimension of $SO(n)$ (rotations)?

Why is $\cos(\alpha+\beta) = \cos(\alpha)\cos(\beta)−\sin(\alpha)\sin(\beta)$?

Where is the error in my argument that SO(4) contains a 7-dimensional subspace?

Calculate angle between two vectors, given their rotation w.r.t. a third vector.

Rotational invariance of cross product

Maximum angle between a vector $x$ and its linear transformation $A x$

Quaternions vs Axis angle

Are Euler angles the same as pitch, roll and yaw?

Stuck on a Geometry Problem

Rotating one 3d-vector to another

Simple examples of $3 \times 3$ rotation matrices

What is the parametric equation of a rotated Ellipse (given the angle of rotation)

Jacobian matrix of the Rodrigues' formula (exponential map)

Can rotations in 4D be given an explicit matrix form?