New posts in rotations

Transform a matrix to have determinant 1

$3D$ rotation matrix uniqueness

Can any higher-dimensional Spheres be rotated everywhere equally?

Commutative Rotations

Is my paper on a number system that allows arithmetic on 3D vectors useful?

Rotation of Matrices and their interpretation

Rotating a conic section to eliminate the $xy$ term

Finding rotation axis and angle to align two 3D vector bases

Rotation invariant tensors

The relation between axes of 3D rotations

Finding Rotation Axis and Angle to Align Two "Oriented Vectors"

Rotating x,y points 45 degrees

Does the notion of "rotation" depend on a choice of metric?

metric on SE(3)

$45^\circ$ Rubik's Cube: proving $\arccos ( \frac{\sqrt{2}}{2} - \frac{1}{4} )$ is an irrational angle?

half sine and half cosine quaternions

A certain unique rotation matrix

Find the rotation matrix that relates two skew lines

Rotating 3D coordinates to 2D plane

How to find matrix which rotates one unit vector into another in 3D space?